Until recently, there’s been a huge chasm in product development between design/engineering and manufacturing. Business leaders have thrown tons of resources into that black hole, only to find their products couldn’t be produced as designed without major compromises to quality or untenable cost updates.

How did this happen? There are lots of contributing factors. Inexperienced designers with no understanding of engineering or manufacturing. Engineers making arbitrary decisions with little regard for the product strategy or the user experience. Manufacturers that are interested only in their margins. The process is chaotic and contentious by nature. Add in personalities, agendas, and distractions and it’s easy for organizations to lose sight of their goals.

Only strong leadership and a holistic approach can close these gaps and ensure the strategic vision is realized in the final product. IDM is built to do that. We bring disciplines together, embrace conflict, and advocate for the right solution—not simply the expedient one.

Let's Talk

Picture of Anne Lewis
Anne Lewis
Quality Assurance

Anne likes things neat and tidy. As an avid gardener, she knows a pristine landscape doesn’t happen by chance—there’s always someone pruning, watering, and tending to the details. Anne is that person for IDM. “I shape things,” she says, “often behind the scenes, to make sure we deliver what we promise.”

At IDM, Anne works to “make excellence a habit” by overseeing our ISO certification program. She also helps cultivate a culture focused on customer satisfaction—whether that “customer” is internal or external. With her self-described “relentless smile” and what Frank Lloyd Wright calls “an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen,” Anne keeps us alert, on our toes, and bringing our very best each day. “I love working with bright people who are passionate about what they do,” she says.

When she’s not digging in the dirt, you might find Anne nurturing her love of reading at the local library.